Questions and answers

How does the selection process work?
The selection process takes place annually, with registration opening around October and classes beginning in March or August of the following year. The complete calendar can be followed on the website: Selection Process – Professional Master’s Degree in Sustainability Science ( . The details of the selection process are described on the website and in the announcement. The process consists of sending the cover letter and documentation indicated in the public notice and interview. From the analysis of the documentation and the interviews, grades are assigned to the candidates.
How many vacancies are open for selection processes?
In general, 20 to 25 vacancies are opened in each selection process.
What is the duration of the Course?
The course lasts 2 years (4 semesters).
How are electives selected?
The course electives are selected according to the analysis of the training profile of the class and analysis of their collective interest. If any elective that the student is interested in is not offered, the course coordination can put the student in contact with the professor of the subject who can provide materials and offer support in their area of interest.
How many credits are needed?
To obtain the title of master, the student must take 30 credits (18 credits of mandatory subjects and 12 credits of elective subjects). In addition, the student must enroll in the LET 3101 subject (according to the orientation of the coordination support team) to take the English language proficiency exam.
Is it possible to take electives in other programs and departments at PUC?
Yes. If the student is interested, he/she can attend electives from other PUC programs, if there are places available. The student must search for the discipline code, on the website of the program of interest, and register the code at the time of registration, within the period established in the academic calendar:
Is it possible to use credits from other courses already taken?
Yes. If the student wants to take advantage of credit for courses taken before joining the Master’s, he must access the Academic Requirements system through the website:
On the website, the student must select the option “use of external credits”. For this application, it will be necessary to send the syllabus of the subject studied, workload and bibliography. The documentation sent will be evaluated by the course coordination, which will forward a response through the system.
The total number of credits used cannot exceed 1/3 of the number of credits provided for training in the course. The use of credits will be evaluated according to the time the course was taken, the evolution of knowledge in the area of knowledge and the academic quality of the Graduate Program that offered it.
Is the course fully face-to-face?
Yes. The course is face-to-face, and therefore its classes are predominantly face-to-face, on the PUC-Rio Campus, in Gávea. Some classes can take place in a remote and/or hybrid format, via Zoom, and in these cases students are notified in advance and receive all information for access.
What is Moodle and how to access it?
Moodle is PUC Rio’s online learning environment, where subject materials are deposited, such as readings, syllabi and videos of classes, when they take place remotely. To access Moodle, you must enter the site and log in with your DAR registration number and password: . The student will have access to the materials during the entire period that he/she is enrolled at PUC-Rio.
How to ask for support in Moodle?
You can send your questions and ask for support through the link: . Just click on request service, start service and enter your information. In this link above you can also view frequently asked questions and answers.
How is the choice of advisor made?
We recommend that students choose their advisor from the moment they join the course. The choice should be made according to the theme that the student intends to work on and the professor’s area of expertise. If the student does not choose an advisor, the Graduate Commission for the course will direct the student to indicate an advisor by the end of the 1st period of the course.
It is mandatory, according to PUC regulation, that the main supervisor be a professor of the program. Co-supervision can be provided by researchers, specialists and professors from other institutions and programs.
It is essential that the advisor is working in the line of research that fits the theme of the work that the student will develop. The supervisor must have a doctoral degree.
When closing orientation, the student must notify the course secretariat so that the registration can be carried out.
How is the choice of co-supervisor made?
The student can have up to 2 co-advisors. For co-supervision, masters can be chosen, from the faculty or outside. The choice of co-supervision is made by the student in agreement with his/her main supervisor. When agreeing to the co-supervision, it is important to communicate the course secretariat so that the registration can be done.
What is the Graduate Commission?
The Course’s Postgraduate Commission is made up of the course’s coordinators plus three professors representing the faculty and two students representing the student body, one representative of each class in progress. The process of choosing teaching representatives is done by the coordination and the current members of the commission, and the selection process of class representatives is done by each class that nominates and elects its representative.
What is the role of the Graduate Commission?
The Graduate Commission meets monthly to discuss needs, demands and projects of the Course. It deliberates on decisions that direct the course and resolve strategic issues related to students and teachers. The commission is also responsible for directing the selection processes and other general matters that involve the operation of the Course.
Does the course require qualification?
No. However, at the end of the 3rd period, students must send the final work project, approved by the advisor, for analysis by the Graduate Commission. The project template is available in the student handbook. The project will be analyzed by two reviewers who will issue independent opinions on the work. The opinions are sent to each student and their respective supervisor and contribute to the improvement of the work. If the project has conditional approval, the student must make the indicated adjustments if sent for further analysis by the Commission.
How is the registration renewal carried out?
Renewal of registration is carried out by SAU online, with DAR registration and password:
The student must have the discipline codes they want to enroll in and the class code. The enrollment date must be included in the PUC Rio school calendar:
How are courses canceled?
The student can cancel disciplines up to the deadline established in the school calendar for each semester. To do so, you must send your full name, DAR enrollment, name and code of the course you wish to cancel to the course secretary. Canceling a course does not affect the student’s CR, as the course is removed from the record.
How to request academic documents such as transcript, enrollment statement, etc.?
Academic documents can be requested through the requirements system: . DAR is responsible for issuing these documents and any questions should be clarified directly by this sector:
How to evaluate the courses studied?
At the end of each semester, evaluation forms are sent for each discipline. It is very important to answer each one of them so that improvements can be made. The evaluation results are sent to the professors, analyzed by the coordination and from that, lessons learned are listed that we share with the entire faculty to improve future experiences.
What is the difference between the two enrollments received when entering the master's degree?
Upon entering the Professional Master’s Degree in Sustainability Science, you will receive two enrollments. One CCE license plate and one DAR license plate. The CCE enrollment must only be used to access the CCE system that handles the financial matters of the Course (payments, open slips, etc.).
You must access the link below and enter your CCE data to verify financial matters:
The DAR registration (Board of Admission and Registration) will be sent by email and the student must register a password. With this registration and password, it will be possible to request access to the PUC-Rio Library, enter Moodle, request academic requirements at the DAR (such as history, statements, etc.), access the Academic SAU system – where registration is renewed every period and new disciplines to be studied are selected, among others.
The DAR registration will be used, briefly, for all academic routine systems and the CCE registration only for financial matters on the CCE website.
What is the procedure for submitting the dissertation project?
At the end of the 3rd period, students must deliver a complete final work project. The expected model for writing the project can be found in the student manual and can be requested from the course secretariat.
The project must be approved by the advisor and sent to the course secretariat via email. The work will be reviewed by two members of the Master’s Postgraduate committee within a period of approximately 40 days. After this deadline, the student will receive an opinion from each reviewer on the points of attention that must be adjusted in the work and potential that can be explored.
If the student is not approved, the committee will ask the student to make adjustments and send the project for a new review. If the work is approved, the student can proceed with the research together with his advisor without resorting again to the commission’s analysis. All communication related to project evaluation must take place via email.
The work must be sent on the date informed by the secretary of the course and to the e-mail informed in the period in question.
If the student is unable to submit it on the date stipulated by the committee, the student must send an email to the course secretariat informing the justification and stipulating a new deadline for submission. The deadline and justification will be evaluated by the commission that will return with the decision on the new date for sending the project.
When and how should the project be submitted for review by the ethics committee?
Students who wish to conduct interviews to compose their final work must submit the complete research project for analysis by the PUC Ethics Committee before applying for interviews.
In addition to the project and the questionnaire, the student must forward the Free and Informed Consent Form (TCLE), or Free and Informed Assent Term (TALE), in case minors are interviewed or Data Use Term (applied to documentary studies). Details on these documents can be consulted on the page: _
In the link below you can find an informed consent form that was approved by the Ethics Committee.
The model is just a reference of how it should be done. It needs to be adapted to the research context of each student. The research project, together with the necessary terms, must be sent to the email of the course secretariat. It is necessary that the project and all other documents are previously approved by the advisor. In addition, when sending this information to the secretariat, it is necessary to copy the advisor, informing their full names (student and advisor) and PUC enrollment (only for PUC students and internal professors).
We also recommend reading Resolutions 466/12 and 510/16 of the CNS – National Health Council, aiming at a better understanding of the requirements to be observed when carrying out research involving human beings. It is important that the project description has an item that addresses the ethical considerations described in the consent form and describes how the research will respect the principles established in the aforementioned resolutions.
How long does the ethics committee review take?
The ethics committee meets to evaluate the protocols on the first Thursday of the month (except on public holidays, which are postponed by one week). Protocols must be forwarded fifteen days in advance of the monthly meeting. Thus, if there is no intercurrence in this procedure, the response deadline is thirty days after sending the documentation.
In experiences with previous classes, it was observed that the delay can reach three or more months. The Committee is judicious, and if the project is not well explained and the above issues are not considered, the project returns for adjustments and must be submitted again for a new analysis by the committee. It is recommended to consider this deadline in the research schedule and send as much in advance as possible.
What is the procedure for obtaining a PUC student card?
To obtain his/her card, the student must send a photograph to the e-mail with the following characteristics:
A frontal, face, recent photo. The background of the photo must be neutral, and the image must be clear and of good resolution. Photos with a cap/hat, dark glasses, shirtless, or any other item that hinders or prevents identification of the student on the document are not allowed. The University reserves the right to refuse photographs deemed inappropriate. The file must have a maximum of 200 kb and be in jpg format. Other formats cannot be accepted.
The 2nd copy of the wallet is charged.
Students must submit their application for a card through the link
How can the library be used?
The procedure to access the PUC Rio library is to deliver a document with a photo at the library reception or the DAR card itself. The library provides books, bibliographic bases and training to use bibliographic bases that support research.
All information about the library is available at:
You can configure your computer to access the bibliographic databases made available by DBD remotely. Check the instructions in the link below:
Where can I follow PUC's calendar?
The PUC Rio school calendar on deadlines for academic procedures can be followed on the website:
The secretariat and coordination of the course always try to remember the most important deadlines, but it is essential that this follow-up is done by each student.
Where can I follow the Professional Master's class schedule?
The Master’s class schedule is sent by the course secretariat before the 1st week of class. And the detailed schedule with themes, readings and class modality (remote or face-to-face) is delivered by the teacher of each subject.
The file with the general schedule can also be found on the master’s website: in the tab informs > for students.
What is the deadline for delivering the final work?
The final work must be delivered at the end of the 2 years of the course. At the end of the 4th semester (until the deadline specified in the PUC school calendar) the student must complete and send the composition form for the bank (which appears in the student manual) and when the form is approved, the student will have the deadline 60 days to defend the work. The scheduling of the defense must take place within this period, which cannot be extrapolated.
What formats are accepted for the final course work?
The Student of the Professional Master’s Degree in Sustainability Science has two possibilities for final course work. The first is to deliver the traditional master’s thesis on the researched topic as a final product. The second option is to develop a creative product + a dissertation.
Regardless of the final product chosen, the work must be accompanied by a short dissertation, containing the report of the entire process of building the product, including the contextualization of the research problem, delimitation and relevance of the study, in addition to the theoretical framework, methodology adopted and results. This report must be prepared as a separate document for the chosen product.
In this way, students have two model options for their final work:
- Creative product (according to capes list or coordination approval) + small dissertation describing the product construction process.
- Traditional Dissertation on the chosen topic.
It is essential that dissertations observe the norms for theses and dissertations established by PUC-Rio *, especially regarding the bibliographic reference and methodological rigor.
Note: The dissertation has no minimum number of pages, especially if it has an associated product.
* Available at :
All technical-technological products (PTTs) provided by CAPES will be considered as final works. The course area (Environmental Sciences) considers 10 types of PTTs as the main ones for the evaluation of the Graduate Program:
- Letter, map or similar;
- Professional Training Course;
- Company or Innovative Social Organization;
- Manual/Protocol;
- Courseware;
- Patent deposited, granted or licensed;
- Technical/technological Bibliographic Product;
- Process/Technology and Product/Non-Patentable Material;
- Software/Application;
- Social Technology .
What procedures are necessary to carry out the dissertation defense?
- With the advisor’s approval, the bank composition form must be sent within the period specified in the calendar and informed by the course secretariat.
- After approval of the form, permission is opened for scheduling and the deadline of 60 days for the student to defend the dissertation begins to count.
- The student must schedule it in the system, after aligning the date and time with the advisor and all members of the committee.
- The student must send the dissertation and final product up to 20 days before the defense for evaluation by all members of the committee, or within a period aligned with them.
- Dissertation defense.
- After the defense, the student will have 30 days to submit the adjustments recommended by the bank. However, if the bank conditions the approval to the adjustments, six months will be granted and the bank will evaluate again.
- The work must be fully aligned with PUC Rio rules for norms and dissertations, otherwise the dissertation will not be certified and will be returned to the student. The norms for editing the dissertation can be found at:
- If it is within the standards, the dissertation will be certified and the student will receive the diploma in about six months after all this process.
- The entire progress of these procedures can be followed through the requirements system.
Is it possible to extend the dissertation defense?
Yes, in extraordinary cases. To request the extension of the defense, the student must pay attention to the deadline established in the school calendar and open an application for the extension of the defense on the website: . Orders placed after the deadline are subject to a fine. Along with this request, the student must justify the need for an extension and attach supporting documents. The request will be analyzed by different instances of PUC and the student can follow the progress through the same system.
If the extension is accepted, the student must also renew the enrollment. If you are not taking any course, you must enroll in the course GEO2741-MASTER’S DISSERTATION.
It is important to highlight that the student who extends the defense must continue to pay 100% of the monthly fee.
The maximum extension period is six months per order. Depending on the severity of the student’s need, up to three extensions may be requested. If the student does not meet this limit, he will be retired.
Does PUC provide any support for patent registration?
a The AGI (Innovation Agency) PUC-Rio ( ) is the sector that can offer some preliminary guidelines on the patenting of inventions, but does not offer the services of prior search, application writing, filing of the patent application at the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) and follow-up of the same for inventions designed exclusively by students, who will be the exclusive owners of said applications. AGI only offers these services when the invention is owned (owned) or jointly owned by PUC-Rio. For example, when an employee (professor, researcher, etc.) of the institution is the inventor or co-inventor of the technology, his share in the invention belongs to the University, as provided for in legislation on the subject.
If this is the case (invention conceived by a student and an employee of PUC-Rio), AGI may offer the aforementioned services if the student agrees to assign their inventor’s patrimonial rights to the University (the request will be evaluated internally). This will be the sole owner of the patent application (currently, PUC-Rio does not file patent applications jointly with an individual). This means that the rights of use and commercial exploitation (by itself or by third parties) of the invention will be exclusive to the University.
Do Master's students need to make a Lattes Curriculum?
Yes. One of the fundamental points for the evaluation of the course by Capes is the creation and updating of the Lattes Curriculum. This curriculum must be created and updated from the moment the student enters the master’s degree. Any production, new job, event the student attends or organizes, report, etc. must be mentioned after enrolling in the Professional Masters. Everything the student does and performs from the moment he enters the Master’s, up to five years after leaving the Master’s, will continue to count for course evaluation. Keeping the Curriculum Lates up to date is one of the main ways CAPES assesses the impact of the master’s degree on the student’s professional life.
It is important to highlight that if the student does not have an updated curriculum, it is not possible to defend the dissertation. It is important to create the habit of updating Lattes with each new achievement, production, event, etc. After updating, be sure to click on send the changes to CNPq.
To access the lattes platform click here: Plataforma Lattes ( )
If the student has difficulty creating or updating, he can ask the advisor or the course secretariat for help.
How to contribute to raise the concept of the course at CAPES?
The role of students is fundamental to raise the concept of the course at CAPES. Keeping the Lattes Curriculum up-to-date with productions and achievements made since the moment you join the course is essential. It is essential that students publish their productions, especially technical ones, and update this in Lattes. The quality of the students’ final work is also a fundamental point to be evaluated. Another contribution of the students is not to lose the link with the course even after graduation, to remain participating in the course events and updating Lattes with the achievements and productions carried out. It is also suggested to join the PUC-Rio Alumni Association so that the ties and contact networks established throughout the course are maintained.
Does PUC have a psychological and professional support network for students?
PUC-Rio provides a support network for students. This network aims to provide multidisciplinary assistance to students, covering academic, reading and writing, psychopedagogical, professional guidance, psychological and special needs aspects.
RAE is made up of different centers that offer different types of support to students. For more information and to follow the events, you can access the website: