Agreements and Partnerships

The teaching staff linked to the Professional Master’s Degree proposed here has an extensive active network of international collaborations, carrying out the dialogue of its interdisciplinary profile through international projects financed by bodies both in Brazil and abroad, exchanges of professors, researchers and students and joint administration of disciplines with partners international. The network includes public and private research institutions, universities, various government agencies and intergovernmental organizations, promoting not only internationalization, but also interdisciplinarity and innovation in the search for solutions to complex socio-environmental problems that are often cross-border in nature.
Below are selected international collaboration activities carried out by the Master’s faculty:

International Institute for Sustainability (IIS)

Departments of Zoology and Geography, University of Cambridge (UK)

Departments of Zoology and Geography, University of Cambridge (UK)

United Nations Environment Programme, World Conservation Monitoring Center (UNEP-WCMC)

International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA)

Norwegian Institute of Geotechnics (Norges Geotekniske Institutt, Oslo)

Department of Environmental Sciences, East Anglia University (UK)

Institut for Social Ecology, Alpen-Adria University (Áustria)

Department of Specific Teaching, Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Ensenãnza, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)

University of Cambridge, University of Southampton and University of Sheffield (UK), South Asia Institute of Advanced Studies and the United Nations Environmental Program

University of Cambridge, University of Southampton and University of Sheffield (UK), South Asia Institute of Advanced Studies and the United Nations Environmental Program

University of Cambridge, University of Southampton e University of Sheffield (Reino Unido), South Asia Institute of Advanced Studies e o United Nations Environmental Programme

University of Cambridge, University of Southampton and University of Sheffield (UK), South Asia Institute of Advanced Studies and the United Nations Environmental Program

University of Cambridge, University of Southampton and University of Sheffield (UK), South Asia Institute of Advanced Studies and the United Nations Environmental Program

Stockholm Environment Institute (Sweden)

Columbia University, New York (USA)

University of Connecticut (USA)

World Resources Institute, Washington (USA)

Universitas Opoliensis (University of Opole)

Uniwersytet Rolniczy (University of Agriculture), Kraków (Poland)

Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS)

Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS)

Future Earth