During the holidays, PUC-Rio employees did not stop working to improve the university’s infrastructure even more. Located in the Gávea district, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the PUC-Rio campus covers an area of 104,000 square meters, very marked by its wooded and pleasant environment. The campus has a library system containing an extensive collection (over 150,000 book titles) and access to journals (over 33,000 journal titles). It also has 185 air-conditioned classrooms, all equipped with at least one Datashow, 44 of which are multimedia rooms with various other computer and multimedia resources. PUC-Rio guarantees the availability of classrooms, laboratories, access to library and computer infrastructure for the perfect functioning of the proposed course.
With specific regard to the exclusive facilities of the Department of Geography and Environment, to which the Professional Master’s Degree in Sustainability Science is linked, three laboratories for direct use stand out: the LABGis (Geoprocessing Laboratory), the Physical Geography Laboratory and the Ecology Laboratory.
LABGis was inaugurated in 2007 and has 20 workstations, two geographic data servers, software from the Arcview, Erdas, Imagem and Ecognition families, in addition to a geographic database involving vector data and images at different scales, in addition to GPS differential and a plotter. The laboratory also has several portable GPS devices, and the set of these instruments allows undergraduate and graduate students to interact with information from different sources, facilitating a more integrated understanding of the geographic space and its projections, from very different levels. different technologies. In this laboratory, cartographic bases are produced and remote sensing data obtained for various extension projects developed by the department. The cartographic bases of the maps of the students’ dissertations are carried out in the laboratory, with the support of fellows and monitors paid for the projects obtained for the excellence of the work and technical-scientific quality of the geoprocessing material obtained in the investigations.
The Physical Geography and Ecology Laboratories benefited from the purchase of equipment with specific resources contributed by the FAPERJ and CNPq and CAPES projects, based on individual and/or isolated projects. The first has sufficient facilities and equipment for the development of research in the area of hydrology and pedology, and has been used as a point of measurement of data and materials obtained in the various field works and areas of investigation in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The main feature of the Physical Geography Laboratory is its support for didactic activities, while the Ecology and Biogeography Laboratory is a support space for research in the areas of Ecology, Biogeography and Environmental History. Created in 2008, it is organized to serve monitoring work, field research as well as supporting floristic inventories in general and endopedonic fauna.
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