Line of Research: Socioecological Systems
Bachelor in Geography from PUC-Rio, Master in Geography from UFRJ at the Laboratory of Geo-Hydroecology and Risk Management (GEOHECO/UFRJ) and PhD in Geography also from PUC-Rio. He coordinated the field team of popular educators in the municipalities of Paraty (RJ) and Ubatuba (SP) of the Projeto Redes – Environmental Education Project of Costa Verde, conditional on the environmental licensing for oil exploration in the Santos basin, carried out by the Observatório Sustainable and Healthy Territories of Bocaina (OTSS/Fiocruz) with fishing communities. He has experience in geoprocessing and remote sensing, having interests that involve the environmental results of the relations between society and nature from integrated perspectives of the areas of Environmental History and Historical Ecology; Political Ecology; Geoecology; Hydrology and Socio-environmental Disasters.
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