Isabella Scorzelli, a graduate student of the Professional Master’s Degree in Sustainability Science, participated on the 2nd and 3rd of June in the 1st Forum on Sustainability and Tourism in Terra do Vento. The event aimed to raise and discuss important points for the preservation of the regions of Preá, Jericoacoara and Barrinha in Ceará.
The event brought together private and public institutions, NGOs, associations, the local community, in addition to teaching institutions, to exchange knowledge and experiences, and that together, commit to working on the implementation of functional sustainable actions and projects, in favor of the regions of Barrinha, Jericoacoara and Preá.
The event was divided into panels that addressed issues such as urban mobility, green energy, circular economy and waste, among others. The circular economy and waste panel was opened precisely by Isabella, who represented Exchange 4 Change Brasil, who spoke about the new look at business and its relationship with the circular economy.
The event can be watched here.
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