Fernanda Gomes holds a master’s degree in Communication for Marketing from the University of Westminster, in England, a degree in Biological Sciences from UFRJ and a bachelor’s degree in Social Communication from UTP-PR and in Graphic Design UFPR. She has worked in agencies and in the communication and marketing department of large companies and non-governmental organizations in Brazil and abroad. She was a fellow at the Laboratory of Vertebrates of the Department of Ecology at UFRJ. As Communication Manager at the International Institute for Sustainability (IIS) and the Center for Conservation and Sustainability Sciences in Rio (CSRio), he develops communication strategies for scientific dissemination, raising awareness among decision-makers and implementing conservation projects with communities . She also develops research and projects aimed at behavior change for biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration and transition to sustainable agriculture.
In her dissertation, she sought to identify the behavioral factors that influence the voluntary conservation of native vegetation based on semi-structured interviews with soy producers in the MATOPIBA region. Furthermore, she sought to point out interventions for policies guided by the main strategies for behavior change found in the literature.
Advisor: Bernardo Strassburg
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