Line of Research: Socioecological systems
Doctor in Law from PUC-Rio (2016), Master in Urban and Regional Planning from IPPUR/UFRJ (2011), Specialist in Environmental Law from PUC-Rio (2008) and in Public Law from UERJ (2005). She is currently Professor of Environmental Law and Urban Law at PUC-Rio and coordinator of the Graduate Law course at PUC-Rio. Permanent Professor of the Professional Master’s Degree in Contemporary Civil Law and Legal Practice and Collaborating Professor of the Graduate Program in Law at PUC-Rio (PPGD). Virgínia leads the Research Group Critical Studies in Law, Nature and Society (CNPq) and is part of the Research Group Law, Environment and Justice in the Anthropocene (JUMA). Coordinates, at PUC-Rio, the international project Panamazonia post COVID 19, coordinated by PUCE and REPAM and is part of the Just Side Thematic Network, belonging to CYTED (Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnolg. Acts as Research Coordinator and member of NIMA- Jur/PUC-Rio and is a member of the Brazilian Network of Environmental Justice (RBJA). Has research in Environmental Law, especially related to environmental injustice and racism, environmental conflicts, territorial rights, licensing, application of the Forest Code, and in Urban Law, as the right to the city, public spaces, urban commons.
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