Line of Research: Socioecological Systems
Mariela Figueredo is a biologist graduated from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), holds a Master’s Degree in Plant Ecology from the National School of Botany Tropical – Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (JBRJ) and Executive MBA in Project Management from Castelo Branco University (UCB). She has experience of more than 8 years in the management of developed projects, mainly in the third sector, including team management, planning, execution and physical and financial control of projects, articulation with multistakeholders,
management of contracts and cooperation agreements established with national and international financiers (with emphasis on the World Bank, Fund Global Environment/GEF, Gordon & Betty Moore, among others). In education, she was part of the faculty in the Management extension course in the Third Sector, carried out by the JBRJ, being responsible for the subject Management of Projects. She is currently Director of Projects and Operations at the International Institute for Sustainability, studying an MBA in People Management (USP/Esalq) and a PhD Professional in Biodiversity in Conservation Units (ENBT/JBRJ). and own Project DPro certification for managing development projects.
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